My fondest memory of Kate is her mastery of the outdoors, particularly when camping in miserable weather in the Highlands. Mud nor rain would deter her from having a good time, as well as creating a good time for everyone else with playlists and homemade food and probably entirely too much equipment for one night. She was always a fun presence but also had a gift of being able to make people feel comfortable and seen. I will miss her greatly.
Jack Cunningham
I will always remember the pub quiz escapades, one day we'll win one of these 🤞🏽. Sitting at Wardie Bay on her birthday. I loved the way she was making sure everyone felt comfortable and included, just showed her character. Thanks for all your words of wisdom, you helped me way more than you knew.
Nishy Mohammad
Absolutely devastated to hear of Kate’s passing - condolences to her family and dear friends. I knew Kate from her time at Gandolfi and she was a total and utter beam of light in a tough industry. Made a dreary Tuesday night service that little bit more bearable. One of life’s good guys with a strong sense of fair and unfair and right and wrong with a light hearted penchant for a bit of daftness and fun. Rest in Peace Kate
Sean Delaney
Kate made Spanish classes at Strathclyde hilarious. She affectionately referred to our tutor Lidia as 'Big Lids' and we called each other Cuerp from the Spanish word cuerpo (body) for no reason. Then we progressed to calling each other Helen for reasons I cannot recall. We moved in together to the most absurdly shaped flat on Niddrie Road and filled it with plants. We named it the Botanic Labyrinth. We had joint custody of a large fluffy tiger called Paula and our kitchen had no window but it was home. The best story of Kate and I is the time I tricked her into shaving her head. I styled my hair in what looked like a mohican and sent her a photo. The next day, in solidarity, she appeared at my bedroom door with a freshly shaved head. "Hi Helen," she smiled. Then seeing my long hair, "What the FUCK!" She took it like a champ though. The world is less bright, less beautiful and much less funny without her. Helen, Cuerp, Kate. You were truly one of a kind.
Sophie Mead
Sending all my love and support to all Kate’s family and friends at this very sad time. Our fun childhood memories were at Eaglesham Primary school with Kate :) , Eaglesham round table family cycle trips to Millport, Santa run was exciting time of year, new year ceilidh with local eaglesham families was great fun :) take care Xxx
Julie Cloughley
i met kate for the first time on the day i moved to glasgow - she was my new flatmate. she was so smiley and kind and welcoming. we spent many moments laughing together, playing and talking about music, going for coffees on vicky road, and chatting about - everything. i will always appreciate the company that she and nic provided me in those days, when i was new to the city; they were both so good to me. we lived together for about a year, until kate moved to edinburgh, to become an official plant person. in the year that we lived together she had filled her room with so many plants, it was like a jungle! it was really amazing to see her develop such a deep passion and interest during the time that i got to know her. it was a time of big change for us both, i think that's why we connected so naturally. when i think of kate my heart is truly flooded with so many smiles, and so much warmth. what a sweet and loveable person, i miss her xoxo
Rachel Taylor
Kate, thank you for your cheeky grin, supremely expressive eyebrows and winks of encouragement. Thanks also for indulging in excessive amounts of cat chat and for the shared love of fluffy jelly and true crime podcasts! You truly demonstrated what it is to be a good friend, a supportive colleague and an all round excellent human, all things we should aspire to. You also exuded a talent in horticulture that inspired us all (even the less enthusiastic apprentice came to life under your guidance!). I will think of you each time Wednesday (the cat!) saunters through the cat flap, I love her but I think you loved her harder ❤️ Thank you Kate for being you xxx
Kate and I met on the basketball court. I thought she had one of the warmest smiles I've ever seen. I wished you had asked me out Kate Miller 😉🌻. And ferns are beautiful (not boring) !
Dear Kate, our paths crossed for a short while but that doesn't take away the impact you had on us students. You shared your love and passion of Ferns and, we remember every word you spoke about them. I like to think that you are in every fern we see, a bright beautiful green scenery, stroken gently by the moonbeams.. We miss you dearly Kate
Sanne Weenink
Back in our Gandolfi years, Kate would tickle me pink with stories about the band Shark’s Tooth, she was the drummer and played alongside her sister. Kate was a lot of fun, and she was kind. Thoughtful and sweet and considered others.
Lynn McAdam
I will always remember Kate’s mischievous grin on the basketball court, especially when she sees that I am marking against her. We'll always make it harder on each other.
Amanda Chan
I will always remember how cool Kate was. She was one of my best pals in high school (and one of my first girlfriends!). She always had great music, great style, a funny joke, or simply was always up for a laugh. I was so saddened to hear this news. Kate, you'll be sorely missed. Xx
Ben Carroll
I didn’t know anyone on the basketball team I just had my partner there and she welcomed me with open arms and was so warm to me
Cara McCulloch
I will always remember Kate being my funniest, most charismatic, free spirited friend from growing up. Kate was a huge part of my childhood and teenage years. She was my first friend to ever make me cry with laughter and I have so many happy and ridiculous memories of what we got up to as kids. Like the time we tried to wax our legs with tea candle wax and got it all over my parents’ carpet (they were NOT happy but did see the funny side!), or the time we spun marshmallows on an electric whisk and they went flying so fast we got marshmallows all over the ceiling (oops again). Or the entire summer we spent sitting outside my bedroom window, legs dangling on the roof blasting out Beyoncé “Crazy in Love”. Running around EK shopping centre being idiots but finding every second hilarious. In summary, she was a truly unique soul who impacted my life so positively. Thinking of you all at this very difficult time.
Kelsey Hunter
This memory is for Kate's granny, Kate loved to visit her granny and have 'girls nights', they would have dinner, watch a film, Kate would do beauty treatments for granny and likewise. Their affectionate names for each other were big pal and wee pal
Judith Kershaw (on behalf of Liz Kershaw)
We remember the gorgeous, happy wee girl who went to school with Stuart and Craig. Thinking of you all at this really sad time.
Karen and David Geddes
I'll remember Kate for always being game. She'd turn up to play basketball with us in Glasgow, often at the drop of the hat, and come with full velocity, court awareness and a cheeky style. A bit like her off-court self, her game play was fast, energetic, humorous, flirty and fearless. She was never one for the bench and she can't be replaced.
During the handful of times I spent with Kate, she was always such a bright spark, full of warmth, laughs and love for the people around her. Just a real joy to be around, it was so easy to be in her presence. Her last message to me was that she was happy my missing pet parrot had got home safe. It's a silly little thing but I'm glad I have that to remember her by. I can't picture her face without a smile on it. I wish I got to spend more time with her.
Apsi Witana
My memory of Kate is, when she was about 2 years old, her mum was singing and dancing in the kitchen and Kate was trying to open the cupboard doors which had childproof locks on them. Determined and strong are words I would use to describe her.
Judith Kershaw
I work at the Botanics but in a different team. Although I didn't know Kate well, I thought very highly of her. I attended a tour of the Glasshouses that she led and she was so engaging, warm and thoughtful - her passion for her work and plants shone through her words. I can still see her in my mind busy at work with her ferns, smiling kindly at passers by. I'm so deeply sorry for your loss.
Kate, thank you for offering me a room to stay during my internship at RBGE, the foto of your living room, the pub quiz with the Amazons river question, all the talks we had and happy moments we share. Thank you for making Edinburgh a safe place. Big hugs from your austrian friend.
Ursula Bendler
Hello, I used to play basketball with Kate years ago for the Woodfarm Warriors. She was always so lovely and so kind. I will remember our time playing together forever. I will be thinking of you all and really hope you are all ok. Holly xxx
Holly Fillingham
Kate, I didn't know you very well. I will remember you always as clever, funny, compassionate, knowledgeable, friendly, always ready to help and to be involved, full of kindness. Love Shauna x
Shauna Hay
Kate, thank you for always being the brightest light in any room. I knew Kate during my years working at Cafe Gandolfi and always thought of her very fondly, she had a wonderful nature and was so naturally friendly and outgoing, she got on with everyone and when she smiled her whole face lit up, she was just a lovely, beautiful human being and I'm beyond sad to know that she is no longer with us. My deepest condolences to her family and friends, and although I only knew her for a brief time, I still remember her fierce spirit and beautiful nature, she left a mark wherever she went. She really was a very special person and my heart goes out to you all as you try to come to terms with such a tragic loss of such a wonderful young woman. She has been in my thoughts a lot since I heard the news. I will remember her and her beautiful smiling eyes for a long time to come x
Tilly Ladeveze
I'll think of Kate most fondly playing basketball in our driveway in the teenage years with our son and friends. Meeting her in cafe gandolfi and her beautiful welcome to us .Kate..the girl with the infectious smile and cheeky dimples ! Xx
Ann Watson
I hadn't seen Kate for a couple of years. It always felt like we were overdue a pint and put the world to rights. I’m devastated that won’t happen now. It's not often in life you meet someone who has found something they are suited to, to the point it feels like an extension of themselves, or perhaps more a reflection of who they are. The world of plants and growing and nature was something that made absolute sense for Kate to be drawn to. Not because of pragmatism and dedication (although she had those too) but because during any time spent with Kate I always felt like anything was possible, and something would grow. By the end of an evening spent together we would have come up with all sorts of ideas, for starting vegetable patches, for starting bands, for making the world better in whatever way. She had a magical way of making you feel there was potential and good and excitement in everything and would be left feeling nourished just by having been in her orbit for a few hours. I am a better person for having known her and the world is better for having her in it. I am so sorry I didn’t know she was in pain, and I will miss her enormously.
Kate was an amazing person and such a great, lovely, caring and fun friend. She always made people laugh and she always thought of and looked out for others. I would have happily hung out with her anytime as she was such great company. We had great fun at T in the park (when I had a car bump on the way and lost each other when there!), a trip to the house in Nerja (including climbing on the rocks after drinking and trying shark tapas!) at the nursing home (where a colleague described her as ‘outstanding’ at scrubbing!) and drives to uni…I’m sad our life’s seemed to drift away from each others during uni and that we’ll never get to catch up now. There was never any fall outs or drama’s with Kate - she never had a bad bone in her body or a bad word to say about anyone… I know how close you all were and how deeply you guys all cared about each other so I am so sad and sorry that you have to carry on without her in your lives…I will forever be grateful for and treasure my precious fun memories of, and with Kate deeply and always remember her and think of her very fondly - mainly laughing and just as a great girl, and only wish I had more than those few years.
Lauren Chalmers
I met Kate at Café Gandolfi one fun evening of an art auction. She was so charming and interesting, a wee glint of mischief in her eyes. She had just been accepted onto the horticulture course and was fizzing with passion and enthusiasm. We drank red wine and laughed a lot. It turned out we had mutual pals and she came to my birthday party a few weeks later, she gifted me an aloe vera and a hand drawn card with instructions of how to take care of it. She was the first woman to tell me I was beautiful, something I was so taken aback to be told, but the first time I really felt it. I gifted the plant on to someone else when I moved country, Kate and I lost touch but I still have that card she made me, a treasured memento of having known her so briefly, but being utterly and totally enchanted by her.
So sorry to hear of Kate’s passing. I have so many great memories of us growing up together through high school. We shared so many special times together from joining you on a family holiday to Portugal to the countless sleepovers and great fun we would have. I have and always will hold these memories close to my heart and for that I want to say thank you Kate.
Gillian Martin
I remember waking up my first morning in Nerja and you taught me how to make tomate y aciete and I still make it regularly (never as good though, unsure if it was just you or the Spanish tomatoes!) You were a real, real comic relief for me and everyone at my mum’s funeral. Suitably supportive and respectful but later your humour and extroverted charm took the edge off a really tough day. You gave the warmest and sincerest hugs and you’d then hold the person at arms length with a reassuring grip on their shoulders to assess how they were doing. There are so many memories that have all blended: of coffees on the balcony and glasses of wine in the living room; of brunches and bakery trips. I’m so pissed off I’ll never get the chance to beat you at poker using sunflower seeds; you’ll forever be 2-0 up. I will never forget the image of you pushing Rachel in a trolley down that wee dark path, singing God Save The Queen (very ironically!!!) on the way back to Ferry road, I still watch that video and howl with laughter. Your flat always felt like a home to me - I loved staying with you guys. I’ll never forget how entertaining and charming you were. Take care, Kate and god bless x
Monica Carlin
Sadly, I didn't know Kate as an adult, though did heard from time to time how she was doing so having recently had the opportunity to read much about her grown-up life, it reinforced the love I had for her as child as I have for both Steven and Nicola. I do recall how careless the adults were on a couple of occasions when Kate was temporarily 'lost' in Edinburgh and Puerto Pollensa. My endearing memory of Kate was her cheeky wee face and beautiful smile. She'll only ever be a thought away. XXX
Anne Shand
Kate was my wee cousin. But i've reaslied in the last few weeks that I have always felt like I looked up to her. I admired her openness, her way of cutting through small talk to get right to the heart of things, no matter how much time had passed since we last met. Family gatherings always felt more special knowing she’d be there. I loved catching up and diving into all the things we both cared about —we could talk for hours, and she’d make you feel truly seen and heard. With Kate, there was never any doubt when she cared about you. She made each of us feel valued, and any time spent with her left you feeling uplifted. As a family, we each hold our own memories of her kindness, her warmth, and her ability to bring people together. Her presence lifted us all, and those memories—of laughter, closeness, and love—are the ones I'll carry with me.
Siobhan Miller
Kate was my little sister. No surrogate. No replacement. She just was. I have seen Kate through all her transformations, each iteration more beautiful and complex than the previous. I not only lived through her but I hoped for her, for she was the best of us. Every time I seen her, or knew that I was about to, I could rest easy knowing it would either be special, beautiful chaos or mostly both. Not only did I love her, but I respected her. Her conviction, her indomitable independence, and her ability to laugh at herself or the obstacles that stood in her way. I’ll miss the warmth and strength of her embrace. And the guidance through my darkest moments. I only wish that I could repay her the favour. I love you Kate. And I promise to protect the people you love in your absence.
Q Tajudin
I'll always remember our time together as roomies at the flat in Albert Avenue, hanging out together with Sean (and Spooky), and just having great chilled-out banter, and putting the world to rights. Kate was always a delight to be around, whether in the flat, out at a party or a gig, or popping in for a cheeky hello at Gandolfi's when she was on shift. I hadn't seen her since leaving Glasgow, but think of her often and will always hold her memory dearly in my heart xx
Stuart Anderson
Katie, I shared most of my favourite childhood memories with you and for that I am so grateful, From jumping off the pier in-front of Domingo to riding pedalos in-front of El Hovelo, to ordering tiny wee fish ice lolly’s at the wooden booth. You were the baby of the bunch and we adored you! I will never forget the day we thought we’d lost you in a park Edinburgh and we’re all in blind panic. I have such a clear memory on one of our many many happy Thursday night get togethers at the sports centre of Katie practicing a song she was singing for a school show, she could only remeber one line of her song! By the end of the night all of us were singing this one line such was her adorable wee personality. I can hear her wee voice singing this to this date .. Sur le Pont d'Avignon .. Katie will forever be remembered by me for her ear to ear smile and nature.
Laura McDonald
I met Kate on her very first day as a student at RBGE when I took her photograph for her student pass. Kate stood out from the rest of the students because she was so smiley! Kate was always smiling in fact!! Kate was always willing to help others and often helped me sourcing or naming plants that I had or wanted to photograph. She also helped me out multiple times, 'modeling' for shoots for the Botanics magazine and other publications when no one else wanted to. She was an all round lovely person. Kate and I shared the same taste in music-folky acoustic stuff- we often chatted about music and upcoming gigs that we were planning to go to and and I would frequently bump into her randomly at gigs in town.
Lynsey Wilson